Smart locker, wirelessly connected to the internet (IoT), to make students’ lives easier. Secure stuff with an alarm and shows previews of important information.
The locker’s doors in my high school have two grids of 8x8 holes. I once saw a student that have put a few 5 mm LED through some of these holes, and it looked quite fun. I then had the idea to do something more complex based on that principle, and started working on my IntelliCasier. I won't write up all the making of the first prototype, I made a report which details everything.
I then installed this prototype 3 or 4 weeks at my high school, which drew attention of the students, who then gave me positive feedback on the idea. On the advice of my physics’ teacher, I signed up for the C. génial contest, but I was not selected to further participate in the contest. I was then encouraged to present my creation at the 2016 Young Inventors and Creators Show of Monts, a nice show that I’m used to visiting each year because my father’s students often showcase their school projects there.
The UTAI gives me the first prize, with 300 €, a cup and a gold medal of the Concours Lépine, along with a booth at the 2016 European Concours Lépine of Strasbourg.
For this contest, I’ve built a new prototype, more serious (no more games) and with a more consumer-oriented product.
A 3D printed white case covers an LCD display, a few buttons and a Wi-Fi microcontroller. This module can easily be fixed to any locker’s door with a few fixing holes.